Verilog 程式的許多地方,都可以用#delay 指定時間延遲,例如#50 就是延遲50 單位的時間(通常一單位時間是一奈秒ns)。舉例而言,假如我們想要每個50 奈秒讓clock 變化 ... ... <看更多>
Verilog 程式的許多地方,都可以用#delay 指定時間延遲,例如#50 就是延遲50 單位的時間(通常一單位時間是一奈秒ns)。舉例而言,假如我們想要每個50 奈秒讓clock 變化 ... ... <看更多>
I have been reading your code and there are many issues: The code is not formatted. You did not provide a test-bench. Did you write one? ... <看更多>
Your clk_del assign statement does not work with the 510 delay because the RHS (clk) changes more quickly than the delay. ... <看更多>
in this verilog tutorial delays in verilog has been covered . Different type of delay such as rise time, fall time and turn off delay has ... ... <看更多>
Use a state machine and a large counter. In one state, wait for the input to change. When the input changes, set the counter to a large ... ... <看更多>
... verilog file , 我使用tranif1這個function, s是輸入,d是輸出, delay time 為20 模擬出來的為fig 1 , delay只出現在initial condition 我希望 ... ... <看更多>
Expected Behavior Then functional Verilog netlists should compile without any errors. Actual Behavior QuestaSim spits the following error: ... ... <看更多>